Hi All,
I have converted reports from deski to webi.
Wanted to check with you guys if the variables were converted correctly or not. Data is not available as such to see if the variable is working correctly or not. Below are the formula's used for creating the variables
=Count(<Emplid>) In (<GSDB Cd> ,<Plan Type>) In Deski
=Count([Emplid]) In ([GSDB Cd] ;[Plan Type]) After Conversion in Webi
=Sum(CountAll(<Emplid> In Body) In (<GSDB Cd> , <Plan Type>)) In Deski
=Sum(Count([Emplid] In Body;IncludeEmpty;All)) In ([GSDB Cd] ; [Plan Type]) After Conversion in Webi
="For Period : " & Max(<Monthcd>) & "/" & Max(<Year>) In Deski
="For Period : " + Max([Monthcd]) + "/" + Max([Year]) After Conversion in Webi
=(CountAll(<Dependent Benef>) ForEach <Plan Type> In <Emplid> ) In Deski
=(Count([Dependent Benef];IncludeEmpty;All) ForEach ([Plan Type]) In ([Emplid]) ) After Conversion in Webi
My question is whether the formula got converted in webi correctly or do i need to modify them.
Ex: Var1 = If <Dependent Benef>>" " Then 0 Else <Dependent Count>-1 In Deski
Var1= If( [Dependent Benef]>" " )Then 0 Else [Dependent Count]-1 In Webi After Conversion
This was leading to "-1" being shown on cell where i was using this variable. So i converted the formula to
Var1= If( [Dependent Benef]>" " ; 0 ; " [Dependent Count]-1") As "THEN" and "ELSE" are replaced in webi With ";" Also " [Dependent Count]-1") is now in double quotes. So now the "-1" is not showing in cell anymore where i am using this variable.
Do i need to do anything similar or something different for the above 3 variables... Please help