I have a very complex report which connects to BEX query and have complex contexts and many variables to satisfy the requirement.
Firstly to run the report it takes a long time as the Cobra fails due to the heap size even when the size is increased. Hence the work around solution was to schedule the reprot. the report it self runs on Prompt where the object is an Hierarchy Object.
Now when I run the report I have an error message stating below
"while trying to invoke the method com.sap.ip.bi.base.application.base.IModifiableListBase.get(int) of an object loaded from field com.sap.ip.bi.bics.dataaccess.consumer.impl.queryview.resultset.tuples.RsAxisTuple.m_elements of an object loaded from local variable 'this'"
I have followed the OSS notes recomembed in one of the notes (1774121) but no luck, I have changed as suggested below but still I the same error.
OSS - Recomendation, also tried to increse the Timeout to "7200000"
SAP note: 1774121, make sure "R" in --RequestTimeout 3600000 as "-requestTimeout 3600000" . SAP recommend to timeout as 2 hrs or 3 hrs