Hi, At our company, we have recently implemented SAP Business Web Intelligence (14.0.4) and it interfaces with Remedy AR products. We use Service Level Management and Incident Management modules along with other. The goal of this report is to list Incidents with one Response Time and its measurement status (i.e. Met, Missed, etc).
The Response Time is based on the Priority of the Incident. If the Priority changes during the life cycle of the Incident, then it is subjected to more than one Response Time calculation.
In cases where the Priority changes, my query fetches all Response Time records to which he Incident was subjected to. Please see figure 1 that
shows the output.
My objective is to fetch only one record with the minimum value of the Overall Stop Time Field (the earliest overall stop time) amongst the two (in this case).
The above is fetched with a specific Incident Number, however, when a date range is supplied, then it should fetch the earliest time amongst the records with same incident number.
The construction of query is shown in the figure below:
Query with date range is shown below:
Any help to obtain a single record is appreciated.
Thank you in advance