I am having problem in referencing a column in a particular Block in WEBi report.
Scenario: I have only one query in the query panel and i am creating a sample report having different blocks.
Now there are four blocks in my report,
1st Block: It it a table with two columns [country name], [Turn over]. Now this is converted into pie chart.
2nd Block: It is the same table as above but it is linked with the block 1 so that whenever i clicked on a particular company name
in the pie-chart then this block will be showing only the company name and its turn over for that particular company.
3rd Block: It is also the same table as above having same columns but it is showing top five company names and their turn over value.
I used ranking function through a variable for impelmenting this.
4th Block: It is a table having columns [Company Code], [Company Name], [Turn over], [Company Address].
Problem: Now i want to show hide 4th block when the [company name] value in 2nd block lies in the list of top 5 companies in 3rd block or else 4th block
will show the table having complete info of the particular company which has been clicked in the pie-chart and 2nd block will be showing the
comapny name and its turn over value.
Please help me with this problem as soon as possible, i am learning WEBi tool and now i am stuck with this use case.