Hello Experts,
I have a report which has two queries 1 and 2. Query 1 has Year,Month,DB,UserID and NOQ(measure) obejcts. Query 2 has User ID and Username Objects.
The requirement is to display Username along with UserID and other objects in Query 1.
I have merged UserID from both queries and the merged object is named as "LANID" and non merged dimensions are created as Detail Objects for year month and DB with associated dimension as LANID.
If I drag year-detail,month-detail,DB-detail,UserID (from LANID) and Username,I get #MULTIVALUE error in month column for User IDs which have multiple records for the same year,different months and same DB.
I came across a similar thread,http://www.forumtopics.com/busobj/viewtopic.php?p=856502 where Dave Rathbun mentions that merged dimensions work only where there is unique record or same level of granularity between two dataproviders which is not the case here.
Request you to share any workarounds (asap) to achieve this.