Please help me on the below
I Have developed the report with 2 tabs . Summary Tab- All the manager Information ( The Calculations not only sub of sub ordinates/ Employees, The manager also has own business no Manager Sales in different from subordinate sales )
My underlying query of the report as below
Section ,Emplyeename, Manager Name,Sales
Summary, Yogi,Null,100
Summary, Rak,Null,200
Detail,YYY, yogi,40
Detail, ZZZ, rak,150
In summary tab am applying the report level as summary and displaying the
Managers Performance
In Detail tab a applying the report level as Detail displaying the
Employee Performance( section on employee)-Manager name and his employeo e/subordinate sales
I want to display the manager actual performance (From Summary Tab) in the Detail Tab
So bascially I want to pass the Manager name to the summary section employee name and get the sales from Summary
This Kind of scenario we can solve using subreport in crystal, How to achieve the Same in webi
Thanks in Advance