Dear All,
Kindly guide me on the following.
My requirement is i need to create a webi report with ageing days, like 0-30 31-60, 61-90....and so on.
I have created a relational database connection using IDT in SAP BO 4.0 using a CUBE and have got all the data.
In this data i have comp code, customer, debit, credit and doc date and posting date.
1. I need to create a date object(prompt or any variable), which should accept the input date from the user and also need to create varaibles like 0-30, 31-60.61-90......till 180.
2. Based on input date, i need to calculate the amounts and put into the variables 0-30...31-60...61-90.....till180.
Kindly assist me on the following:
1, How and where(IDT level or Webi Report level) to create a prompt for user input date, i created a prompt and also dimension object on date but when i published the .blx file to repository, its giving error while running the webi report.
2. How to calculate the ageing days, can anyone recommend any formula suggestions.
A Sustainer