We are using Business Objects 4.0 Web Intelligence. In Crystal, I can use the strings LastFullMonth, MonthToDate, YearToDate, WeektoDate, etc. so I don’t have to manually change the dates each day or swap of a month. o If I have to enter yesterday’s date every time instead of using a code to do a datediff based on today’s date to grab the previous day’s work (Monday grabs Friday, else tues\wed\thurs\Friday grabs the previous day), its becomes a hassle for each formula you have to change. In crystal its worded like this If Datepart("w",currentdate)=2 and datediff("d",{[Table].[Field]},currentdate)=3 or Datepart("w",currentdate)<>2 and datediff("d",{[Table].[Field]},currentdate)=1 and Can anyone provide some assistance? Thanks, Piper