I am trying to figure out a way to use the value of an Input Control to change the section dimension without having to create multiple copies of objects and hide/display them. I have a table with multiple measures and dimensions, including multiple dates (fiscal year, India fiscal year and calendar year). I want to section the report based on the input control selection so for ex, if the user selects fiscal year on the input control, the report sections are each fiscal year, if they select calendar year, the sections are each calendar year. I created a variable that uses a simple If statement to select the object based on the input control so for ex, if the input control selection is fiscal year, then the variable is equal to the fiscal year object. If I set the section header equal to the variable, it displays the different values in the header when I change the input control selection but it isn't really creating section blocks based on the object. Is this possible? It seems like it should be.