I am trying to create a crosstab with a number of meaures in it. I have a variable called opening stock and another called closing stock. The opening stock for day 2 is the closing stock for day 1 and is a variable [LV Opening Stock] defined as =Previous([closing stock];Row). This works fine. But, the closing stock for day 2 is the opening stock plus production minus sales. So my variable has to reference the previous days closing stock.
When it is defined as =[LV Opening Stock]+[Planned Production Qty]-[Forecast Daily Qty] it validates but when I try to save it I get the following message : The formula for variable [LV Opening Stock] contains a reference to a variable with the same short name. You must use the fully-qualified variable name in the formula to remove this ambiguity. (Error: WIS 10040)
How do I solve this? What is the fully-qualified name? Is it because it's effectively referencing itself?
I'm using XI R2 sp4