We are having a problem with a Webi report built on a relational universe (.unx). IDT is vers 4.1 sp 2, Webi is 4.1 sp3.
The HANA View has optional date prompts. It works with a year/month range, or defaults if the prompts are empty
When the business layer was created in IDT the HANA View was run and certain prompts were entered
Now when previewing the data in IDT or opening the report in Webi, the prompts are always initially set to the original values when it was run in IDT (which are not the current defaults in HANA).
We have tried from the Webi perspective Data Access -> Purge -> Purge All (with the clear last selected prompts option selected), but the prompts come back. We have also tried rerunning in IDT with blank parameters, but the keep coming back there (that is the original values)
Any ideas on how to remove the prompts? We don't want the users to have to keep adding in prompts when they run the report (as there are a few HANA views included, each with their own prompts). It also prevents scheduling.