Hi guys,
We have the following issue in SAP BI 4.0 SAP 4:
We have created 2 different Custom Level Access (CAL) in order to make possible that some people were able to use reports based on a universe or create reports based on a universe. These CAL include the following access rights:
- CAL A: Data Access, View Access
- CAL B: Data Access, View Accees, Create and Edit Queries Based on possible
So, for instance:
For Users A,B we apply CAL A on Universe A & B
For User B we apply CAL B on Universe B
In this scenario the user B can effectively refresh reports based on Universe A and create reports based on universe B. The issue is the following:
When the User B creates a new document, and selects to create a new data provider based on a Universe, the list of "availables"universe show both universes A & B, despite that user can not create queries on Universe A. If he tries to use it (Universe A) it receives an error.Question is: why the universe A is showed in the list?
In version 3.1 using the same CAL the list only showed the "universes" that can be effectively used for creating data providers.
Has someone faced this issue and knows a workaround/way to fix it?
Thanks in advance,