Given below should be the webi output:
Emp No, Emp Location, Emp Name, Seniority Date,Curr_Year_Rating,Prev_Year_Annual_Sal_at_April_1st,current Annual_Sal_at_Jan_01
I am using the formulas for these columns: Curr_Year_Rating,Prev_Year_Annual_Sal_at_April_1st,curr_ Annual_Sal_at_Jan_01
([Rating] Where(Valid From Date - PK <= January 1st, 2014 AND Valid To Date >= January 1st 2014))
(ii) Prev_Year_Annual_Sal_at_April_1st
([EMPL ADMIN - Salary Yr] Where(Valid From Date - PK <= April 1st, 2013
AND Valid To Date >= April 1st 2013))
([EMPL ADMIN - Salary Yr] Where(Valid From Date - PK <= January 1st, 2014
AND Valid To Date >= January 1st 2014))
Is it ok to use current and previous year formulas for an employee record? Will I get the correct data by using above 3 formulas I am asking this question because I have never used different formulas in where clause of the report before.