Hi All,
I have a summary report in which I have showed all the summary values in a horizontal tabular format.
Each text in a row is entered manually in the table and is attached here the picture for your reference.
Now i want these manually entered text to come from a single Text Variable. I tried few logics in my mind but got in vain.
I tried the below way.
I created 2 varibales. Concatenated all these text in a single variable object and created another variable as below
=if(Substr([WF (D)];1;14)="BY Total Sales") then "BY Total Sales" elseif(Substr([WF (D)];16;23)="BY Sales (LY-Unmatched)") then "BY Sales (LY-Unmatched)" elseif(Substr([WF (D)];41;21)="BY Sales (LY-Matched)") then "BY Sales (LY-Matched)" elseif(Substr([WF (D)];64;5)="Price") then "Price" elseif(Substr([WF (D)];71;6)="Voulme") then "Voulme" elseif(Substr([WF (D)];79;11)="Product Mix") then "Product Mix" elseif(Substr([WF (D)];92;26)="Cost CY Sales (CY-Matched)") then "Cost CY Sales (CY-Matched)" elseif(Substr([WF (D)];120;23)="CY Sales (CY-Unmatched)") then "CY Sales (CY-Unmatched)" elseif(Substr([WF (D)];145;14)="CY Total Sales") then "CY Total Sales"
Looking for some suggestions of how to create a variable putting all these manually enetered text in it.