We have 3 Data providers DP1, DP2,DP3 with measures along with EquipId.
I have to show
In DP1, we have Equip_Id, EffstDt, EffEndDt
We have to calculate the Equip used for 4 Quarters. First Quarter from Jan to Mar
We have to calculate the no of days between Q3CalStDt and Q3CalEndDt including and excluding weekends.
if Equip_Id is utilized on the same day i.e. Q3CalStDt=7/7/2014 and Q3CalEndDt=7/7/2014 then no of days=1 is included in formula where as days_between function returns 0
The below results are for Days between Excluding weekends are correct for Equpids 63,33
Q3StDt,Q3EndDt, Q3CalStDt, Q3CalEndDt are calculated based on EffStDt,EffEndDt of EquipId
when I drag
EquipId,EffStDt,EffEndDt,Q3StDt,Q3EndDt Qt3CalStDt, Q3CalEndDt,Q3Used
63 6/6/2014 2/31/99 7/1/2014 9/30/2014 7/1/2014 9/30/2014 66
33 8/4/2014 12/31/99 7/1/2014 9/30/2014 8/4/2014 9/30/2014 42
232 5/12/2014 5/15/2014 1
232 5/16/2014 5/19/2014 1
232 7/2/2014 12/31/99 7/1/2014 9/30/2014 7/2/2014 9/30/2014 65
675 6/1/2014 6/5/2014 1
675 6/6/2014 6/28/2014 1
EquipId 232, 675 EffStDt,EffEndDt does not fall under Q3 Qtr i.e. July to Sept, but formula Q3Used returns 1
When I drag EquipId and Q3Used, Here Equipid is merged dimension from (3) Data providers.
I am getting incorrect results
63 66
33 42
232 66
675 1
Report Output
EquipId,DP1_measure1, DP2measure,DP3 measure, Q3Used, Q2Used,Q3Used,Q4Used
Calculation of Q3Used based on two [Q3CalStDt]; [Q3CalEndDt] dates which fall in the Q3 Qtr i.e. July to Sept
Q3Used= (If([Prompt for Weekends]="N" ) Then Sum((Truncate(DaysBetween([Q3CalStDt]; [Q3CalEndDt]) / 7 ; 0) * 5)+ ToNumber(Substr
("123455512344451233345122234511123450012340123455"; ((DayNumberOfWeek([Q3CalStDt])-1)*7)+Mod(DaysBetween([Q3CalStDt];
[Q3CalEndDt]);7)+1 ; 1)) ForEach([EquipId];[Q3CalStDt];[Q3CalEndDt])) Else Sum((DaysBetween
([Q3CalStDt];RelativeDate([Q3CalEndDt];1) ) ForEach([EquipId];[Q3CalStDt];[Q3CalEndDt]) ) ))