Hello Colleagues,
I am converting the Deski to Webi reports, where Fold option is used in Deski on Report level and we are displaying the value on Break footer.
After converting the deski to webi report the format of report got changed and we are getting duplicate values on report. where Fold is not working, i used the fold option on section of report to show only break footer but refresh of report is not finished till 1 hour.
I deleted the break footer but while refreshing the report we are getting the duplicate value which is not merging the webi report. could you please guide us how to solve this issue on Webi.
Data available in Database, Note we need to fix at report level
Name Class Roll Amount
A 1 1 0.00
B 2 3 100.00
A 1 1 35.00
B 2 3 0.00
C 3 4 200.00
Result should be shown on Webi 4.1 like Deski output
Name Class Roll Amount
A 1 1 35.00
B 2 3 100.00
C 3 4 200.00