Created a new webi report in webi rich client , published to repository and it works fine. Opened that webi report in rich client , done some modifications(added an input control and modified the formulae according to the input control values) and saved the report back to repository. Now ,
When opening this webi report in richclient throws error:The action cannot be performed (WIS 30650)
When trying to view in BI Launch pad, it throws error : Action cannot be performed (Error:INF)
When trying to modify in BI LaunchPad, it throws error: Load driver Call : InitDrillEngine (WIS 00000)
I have checked on an SAP note : 1604932 - But it doesn't help as the query stripping feature is not used in the report.
Could someone please help on this ?
SAP BI 4.0 SP2 Patch 14
Pappu K