My requirement is to show year, state wise sales revenue in a line chart along with total sales revenue for all the states against each year.
I can achieve this by creating a derived table in the universe level like
select state,year,sum(salesrevenue) from tableA
group by state,year
union 'all states',year, sum(salesrevenue) from tableA
group by Year
and dragging these objects to a line chart.
But the performance of my report is very bad and it is fetching lacs of record to the report level. So thought of using any approach to avoid union query at the universe level and tried to calculate the total at the report level.
And am able to achieve this in table format by using Nofilter and forall functions (i.e by using the function =NoFilter(Sum([Sales revenue]);All) ForAll([State])
But am facing issue with the legend if i show the data in chart format as attached in the screenshot.
Legend is displaying double times. Even though the function is aggregating the data for all the states the legend showing the measure name for each country along with the other state wise legend.
Thanks for your help