Hello ,
I have a requirement where I need to display all dates falling between Start Date and End date selected by user at prompts.
Just a little more detail about this 'Start date and End Date Prompt'
This prompt is created at Universe level which pulls all data between Start Date and End date and 91 days prior to Start Date. So webi has 91 days extra data from what user selesct as his start date and end date.
The report has multiple tables. One table needs all data that includes prior 91 days and days between Start and End date.
Another Table needs data which falls between Start Date and End Date.
So if Start date is Feb 1,2014 and End date is Feb 15,2014.
So Webi will have all data starting from Nov 2,2013 till Feb 15,2014 (Nov -29 days, Dec 31 Days and Jan 31 Days that comes to 91) and 15 days of Feb 2014 data. But in one of the Table I need to show data which is between Feb 1 and Feb 15.
How can I do that?
Please suggest.