Using WebI 4.0
I can group measures into a Block but I don;t know how to align the measure to the new group name and I need to have trhem arranged in a custom order that is not any sort order.
[Customers] [Sales]
Customer 1 100
Customer 2 200
Customer 3 300
Customer 4 400
Customer 5 100
Customer 6 200
[Custom Group]
Customer 1; Customer 3 into "East Group"
Customer 2; Customer 4 into "Central Group"
Customer 5; Customer 6 into "West Group"
Wanted Output:
Custom Group Name Sales
East Group 400
Central Group 600
West Group 300
Total 1,300
I will want to have other measures too but if I can do this I trust I can figure out how to add those measures to the block.
I used IF(MATCH( to get the correct measures grouped. I looked at INTO to group things and place them into a Variable but no luck.