I have a report which uses some of the objects that are coded with @Prompt code ( CPrmp1, FPrmp2, APrmp3 ...) at the universe level as well as some of the Webi prompts like a dimension Name is dragged into the query filter and is of type prompt.
When the report is run the prompts appear in the below order -
Name ( --- > Webi report filter )
Also as above the universe level prompts appear in the alphabetically order, but I do not want them to appear in aplhabetically order.
I want the Name filter to appear first and then all the Universe level prompts below it in the below order -
Any inputs are appreciated
Also when the report is open in the web mode i.e html, how can I make the Prompts appear on the left tab, like the Input Controls. I can see the Prompt on the left tab, but if opened on a collegues IE it does not appear and we have to select the Prompt option at the bottom from among the various options. So its there anyy specific setting, I am missing here .
Thanks for the input's.