Hi everyone,
I am developing a webi report based on BEx query in which I need to show the store sales growth and our transaction growth based on quarters. Quarters only appear after the quarter is finished. ie: If I run a report for week 20, (week 20 is in quarter 2 that is Q2) therefore only Q1 should be populated in the report.
The logic for this should be: Q1 should be populated if the week is great than 13, Q2 should be populated if the week is great than 26, Q3 should be populated if the week is great than 39. (week refers to the prompted “Last Completed Fiscal Week” which is the variable I created called [CY] ).
I used the following syntax for Sales Growth for Q1
=([Sales Growth] Where ([Fiscal Qtr #]="Q1" And [Fiscal year]="Z1/"+[CY]))/100
For Q2
=([Sales Growth] Where ([Fiscal Qtr #]="Q2" And [Fiscal year]="Z1/"+[CY]))/100
For Q3
=([Sales Growth] Where ([Fiscal Qtr #]="Q3" And [Fiscal year]="Z1/"+[CY]))/100
But the results are like this, please see the attached screenshot below :
Can anyone please help me to edit these syntax's logic based on the requirement I highlighted in red above as I am not able to figure it out on how to achieve this requirement.
I will really appreciate the help, Thank You.