Is there a good way of having a block divided into sections with intermitent subtotals using WebI? All blocks except total would be identical in shape and form, but some will contain overlapping data. The blocks are for each brand, with departments in the block's details. Example below where each line would show up as a block on the report:
TOTAL A+B+C+D+E+F+G Block |
A Block |
B Block |
Subtotal C+D+E Block |
C Block |
D Block |
E Block |
F Block |
G Block |
The way I currently do it is by copying the block over and over, putting filters on them (whether 1 letter, or multiple letters for subtotals) and stacking them in the order I need them.
Is there a way to make a variable that would allow overlapping data (which sounds much like duplicate data)?
Would nested sections work somehow in this case where I only want the subtotal to show up when it's needed?
Thank you,