Gurus not sure if I should post this in Webi, IDT, or Hana forum so going with were the problem shows the worst. We recently upgraded to Version: 4.1 Support Pack 4 Patch 4 before this we couldnt use Hana Input parameters in WebI documents now we can but there is a slight issue.
In Hana the Input Parameter/Variable has a description like this:
in Design Studio it shows properly.
But when it shows in the webi prompt box it looks like this:
Plant: [MACH1.Extensions_Custom.IMWM.Query/CA_IMWM_ALL_TO/MSEG_WERKS_IP]
Everything in the [] is defining where the prompt is coming from and the name of the input parameter it makes the box very hard to read especially when you have 5-6 lines like this.
Has anyone else encountered this?