I know the question is very fundamental. But I am new to the WEBI . So here is my question. I want to display the Month Name to the user , which they can use in filter . But the query should pass the date.
here are the dimensions I created
Month Name ==> to_char(transaction_date,'Month')
Year ==> to_number(to_char(transaction.transaction_date,'Month'))
but when in WEBI the field is put into the where clause, it causes the resulting sql statement as
select name, sum(sales)
from customer , transaction
where customer.customer_id = transaction.customer_id
and to_char(transaction.transaction_date,'Month') between 'January' and 'December'
and to_number(to_char(transaction.transaction_date,'Month')) = 2013
what I want the SQL to be is
select name, sum(sales)
from customer , transaction
where customer.customer_id = transaction.customer_id
and transaction.transaction_date between to_date('01-January-2013','dd-month-yyyy') and to_date('01-December-2013','dd-month-yyyy')
The idea is to display the user only the month and year and the query apply the where clause within those two boundaries .
All suggestions are appreciated.