We using BI 4 (14.0.6) and IE 8 to create documents, we set-up the feature to export to Excel (save as ) a document using the following path in CMC:
Folder\Manage\Top-level security\All Folders\Everyone\Assign Security -> Advanced\Content\Web Intelligence and Granted Save As Excel.
When :
- we view (right click on a document from a folder and then View) a WebI document, the export button appears, the button still present when we go to Modify (from view)
- we try to modify (right click on a document from a folder and then Modify), the Export button is NOT present.
- we try to open the application WebIntelligence I try to open an existing document, the Export Document is NOT present.
Note, all tests are done with the same document and same user.
Any idea.
Best regards