I am trying to create a report in WEBI Intelligence, I have a requirement where I want to show missing values from other system
I have 2 queries each pointed to different databases
(database1) - Query1 : ID, IDName
(database2) - Query2 : ID, IDName, Name
I want to display all the IDName which are missing in Query1 (example: Query2.IDNAME NOT IN LIST Query2.IDNAME)
Initially I tried to use the filter in query builder and selected IDName Not in List "Results from Query1.TagName"
but it time out and gives the error message even If I schedule the report, due to the large amount of data in Query1 its not helping
If I don't use this filter, both the queries run faster and show the results in 2 different reports
I wanted to know If it is possible to use any function at report level and exclude the data. I don't see Not Inlist function in WEBI