Hello Experts,
I am using WebI 4.1 SP4 and I have a requirement to develop a report by using BEx query.
I have a hierarchy variable and under this variable I have 10 node variables say
Customer name,
Customer number,
Customer Ph no,
Customer salary, etc....
When I try to select the members of hierarchy from "Member selector" (say I select 5 members) in Query result object and run the report, prompt appears for selecting values. Once done, the report has the table with all the 5 members....
But I need only 3 members to show up in the report and rest of the 2 members I should use for calculation purpose and hence when I try to hide or delete the rest of the two members I could not able to perform the same. Hide/delete is applying for the whole 5 members not for specific columns.
Please help me here!
Vishal P.