I have 2 reports like below
Rep 1
Emp id emp name emp doj
10 abc 01/01/15
20 def 02/0/15
Cust id cust name cust add cust details
10 ggg Ad1 add1
20 hhh Ad2 add2
in report 3 i need
Rep 1 & Rep2
Cust id emp name cust name cust add cust details emp doj
10 abc ggg ad1 add1 01/01/115
20 def hhh ad2 add2 02/0/115
I tried to merge emp id and cust id , i am able to get emp id and cust id data in report 3 ,but emp name & emp doj objects data is showing empty value in rep3 .
i created details objects for emp name & emp doj .