Hi Experts,
I hope you are well !!
Here i have small concern.That is am using three input controls for dynamic visibility like
and i applied a dynamic visibility of each input control.
1).So the end user requirement is here when user select any value from select Campaign Scope as per their selection it display the vertical table.
for example:
if they select Last Campaign it has to display corresponding table in the right hand side.The same like remaining List of values....
2).The same like if they select any value from Select Activities like Actual Shipments.Then it is going to display corresponding table in right hand side .
3).select any value from Campaign Impact Data as per their selection it display the vertical table at right and side.
for example:
if they select Volume it has to display corresponding table.The same like remaining List of values....
Now Select Activities values are depended on first select campaign scope the same like campaign impact data is depended on select activities.
So now their requirement is to build relationship among three input controls.
if you have any idea please let us know.
Thanks in advance.