Hi all,
I have created a publication for a WEBI (3.1) document in which I use personalization to differensiate the output. example:
User Filtervalue email
1 BLOCK1 one@example.com
2 BLOCK2 two@example.com
3 three@example.com (unassigned filtervalue)
Then in the Webi report I have data like
Block Amount
BLOCK1 200
BLOCK2 400
# (unassigned) 100
Everything is as such working correctly - when I schedule the publication each user receive a PDF with the report.
User1 receive an amount of 200 (correct)
User2 receive an amount of 400 (correct)
User3 receive an amount of 100(correct - BUT)
I want User3 to receive the report without ANY filters, not with a '#' filter. I this not possible ?
Thanx ahead
-Tonni Kouly