Need Urgent help !
If we use the ODBC drivers for DB2 iseries as connection in Universe designer we have a situation where it shows single quotes against some columns that have special characters. How do we remove or convert them into a readable column without it throwing a INVALID TOKEN error (PFA screen shot of the error as well).
Environment Details: BO 4.1 SP 5
Tool: UDT
Database source: ODBC DB2 iseries 5 (connection 32 bit)
When we go with the default PRM settings the above issue persists. Do anyone have any ideas on specific paramters to set for this to resolve.
FYI, we already tried the below parameter and it doesnt resolve the wingle quotes.
<Parameter Name="DELIMIT_IDENTIFIERS">YES</Parameter> |
<Parameter Name="IDENTIFIER_DELIMITER">"</Parameter>
<Parameter Name="DELIMIT_LOWERCASE">YES</Parameter>