I'm struggling with a Webi report that I have built on top of a few Universes which are built from BEx queries. The Webi report has 9 reports and 7 queries all together. The Bex queries all have a customer exit built for the filter Calday and I use this customer exit in all the bex queries being used for this report to allow the user to put only 1 set of dates and that feeds all the reports within the webi report. The issue I am having is.. One of the Webi reports is suppose to do a Year over Year comparison. For example the user would put "From date" of 6/1/2013 and "To Date" 08/31/2013 and what this report does is provides a crosstab with Month Number/s(down) and Year(across) showing the key figure Sales and it works great BUT I need to in the next column provide the exact dates for the year before. See my example below (envision this being a crosstab)
What is the best way to get the 2012 data???
MONTH | 2013 | 2012 |
6 | $1,000 | ?? |
7 | $1,500 | ?? |
8 | $1,250 | ?? |
Using Bobj 3.1 and BW 7.0
Thank you,