Hi all,
I want to build a chart, preferably a bubble chart, where I can display where an orders have been delivered to.
- I have order numbers and can count them using the count-function.
- Also each Order has a post code + I have a joined table where each post code is linked to the latitude and longitude coordinate
(for example 50.12312 9.121231)
- each of those coordinates is a dimension and formated as a number (i.e. I could build a sum, average etc.)
Now, it says that you must have a "pair" of coordinates (formated as a measure) in order to be able to link data to it.
--> The final result should be that I can visualize how many orders are sent in which area (post code).
I know how to do it in MS Excel, but that is just not as nice as if I could do it in Webi...
Please help me, guys
Kind regards,