Create new WebI Document from universe eFashion.
Choose City and run query
Duplicate the report tab.
On the duplicate tab, click on the Input Controls button on the left hand side
Where it says "There are no input controls defined in this document. To define...." click on the blue 'here'.
Click on City object in the window that opens.
Click Next.
Leave settings for control type as is.
Click Next.
Observe that the radio button for whole document is checked.
Click Finish.
The input control is incorrectly created as a Report Input Control.
If you edit the input control and look at the dependencies tab the Current Report radio button is checked.
If you check the Whole Document radio button and click Ok it is changed to a Document input control as expected.
Note: If the initial steps are carried out on the first report tab, the input control is correctly created as a Document Input control.
Update: Version = Webi 4.1 SP6.1, Java Applet, Windows 7, IE10