I'm working on converting a DeskI report that uses dynamic TIF images stored on a local server location. I know we need to convert the images to GIF or JPEG for WebI to use them but I'm also trying to find a way to access the images once they're converted. I can get WebI to recognize the path (something like \\serverloc\localfile1\localfile2\image.gif) if I put it directly into a cell without quotes but then I can't add a dimension to make it dynamic. I know how to do this with URL/web locations but hoping there's a trick to get it to work for local locations as well? Ideally I'd like to make a dimension called "Server Location" that *using the above example) would be "\\serverloc\localfile1\localfile2\" and then another dimension that generates the image file name and then join the two in the table. As soon as I put the server location text into quotes it removes all of the forward slashes rendering it useless. And, if I direct type (no = or quotes) the server location into a new variable it errors out. Any ideas?