I'm trying to insert a self link in a BI Platform 41 Webintelligence report linking a table row to a section in the same report. Here is what i'm doing
1. In a blank cell with the "Read content as" property set to "HTML" inside the section i have the following code:
="<span id=\""+[code]+"\"></span>"
2. In a cell on the rows of a summary table at the top of the report:
="<a href=\"#"+[code]+"\">"+[code_description]+"</a>"
3. With the report in "Quick display mode" it works with the sections that are in the same page of the summary table, but it doesn't with sections on another pages.
¿There is any way to avoid paging in quick display mode or another way to do what i'm trying to do?
Thank you for your time.
Manuel Postigo