Hi friends,
I am working on report in BO XI R3, need to display Unique Top N Items based on Highest Content & Highest Rating for an Item for the Category & Sub Category selected in Drill filters.
Below is the raw data -
Following Steps were followed to achieve the same, but facing issue while getting the final output. So please correct where we are making mistake is it respect to context calculation or something else.
If user has selected Category & Sub Category as below then the result set should be as such while displaying Top 3 Unique Items.
Category - C1 & Sub Category - SC1
We applied 2 Ranking as shown and try to Rank highest Content & Rating as 1 for an Item having multiple records.
After applying block level filter for Rank On Content & Rating equals to 1 to get the desired list of Items
Now from the above list of unique Items we want to display only 1st 3 Items based on Content irrespective if 4th Item have same Content as 3rd Item.
To achieve this we tried to apply the inbuilt Ranking Function based on Content but its giving us the 4th Item since it also contains same Content which we don't want. We tried to create 1 more variable and took RunningCount for Item within this block so far its giving fine.
As soon as we are applying report block level or report level filter on the Var<=3 it give us wrong result as shown below removing 2 Item having 95%.
Can anybody suggest us where we are going wrong, it seems the problem of context or so?