I have a question, for example.
I have two people help me to delivery something and I want to see whether my current stop match some next stops above, no matter who did the delivery next.
Like for Staff 2, this row 4, his current stop is 3, and we can find some next stop above has value 3, so we can put "Y" here.
You can like If(([Current Stop])= one of the Previous ([Location_Destination]));"Y";"N"))... something like that,
but previous only can return to(for row 4) 5, so 3 no equals to 5, it will return to N, but however we can compare row 4 to row 2 we can get 3=3,
so how can we let current value compare to all the history value before..
or how can I achieve it via SQL in database if i cannot do it at BO