Hi There,
I currently have below variable:
=If (([WO Status] InList("INPRG" ; "WRKDN" ; "BILLED" ; "APPLIED" ; "APPLYFOR" ; "CLOSE")) And ([Actstart]<=[Respondby]) And [Worktype]= "RW") Then("Completed Status in SLA")
ElseIf(([WO Status] InList("INPRG" ; "WRKDN" ; "BILLED" ; "APPLIED" ; "APPLYFOR" ; "CLOSE")) And ([Actstart]>[Respondby]) And [Worktype]= "RW") Then("Completed Status outside SLA")
ElseIf(([WO Status] InList("WSCH" ; "WAPPR" ; "APPR" ; "WPCOND"; "WMATL"; "INPRG")) And (IsNull([Actstart]) And [Respondby]<=[Current Date and Time]) And [Worktype]= "RW") Then("Outstanding in SLA")
ElseIf(([WO Status] InList("WSCH" ; "WAPPR" ; "APPR" ; "WPCOND"; "WMATL"; "INPRG")) And (IsNull([Actstart]) And [Respondby]>[Current Date and Time]) And [Worktype]= "RW") Then("Overdue Status")
But user today came back to me with new request as below in addition to above.
If respond by is null then class as completed in SLA if actstart is not nul else oustanding in SLA.
How do I fitabove new requiremnt in the old variable please.
Many Thanks,