We use BI Platform 4.1 SP4.
What is the best way to schedule reports in Webi while maintaining security integrity? There are 12 report writers, each using a unique ID number. We do not email reports from Webi.
Our admin is proposing to create a generic account that all of the report writers can share to schedule the reports (the idea being that scheduling would not embed individual user IDs into the schedule. I think the concern is that when a report writer leaves the organization, the ‘scheduled by’ field would not show the legacy user ID. Thus the goal is to make scheduling imune form staff turn-over issues.
The problem I have with this idea is security. It would provide a generic ID and PW to log into BI Launchpad, which could end up in the wrong hands. Thus, my question…. In an environment that has multiple report writers, what is the best way to schedule reports that would also be immune from user turn-over issues (I think the presumption is that when a report writer leaves, their reports would need to be re-scheduled unless we schedule them with a generic ID… I am not sure this presumption is valid).
Appreciate any comments on this.