We have created 2 WebI reports that differ only by language. One works fine the other does not but it used to. We changed the order of the prompts and it stopped working but changing it back to the original order and that didn't fix it.
We have a cascading prompt Year / Dept / AoM. When we use it in a WebI report the prompts come up as expected in the correct order with the correct list of values....BUT the "OK" button on the prompt dialog is deactivated (greyed out). No matter how we change the order the "OK" is never activated.
This only happens with the HTML client which is what our users are using. The JAVA applet is not available to them for reasons we won't go into.
We are not the only ones to experience this, refer to Forum Topics Http://www.forumtopics.com/busobj/viewtopic.php?p=1007575 and they also have not found a solution.
This is obviously a show stopper.