We are on BI 4.1 on Windows. I am an administrator and want to write a basic WebI report. How can I merge the master and details rows into one row. The customer no, Name, item comes from TAB1 and code and value comes from TAB2.
Customer no Name Item code value
12345 Name1 IT1 17 23.00
12345 Name1 IT1 63 45.00
Teh TAB2 will always have multiple rows for one item based on the code field. I am only interested in two always. The code 17 means price and 63 means maintanance cost for 5 years.
I want it to display in one rows like -
Customer no Name Item Price MaintCost
12345 Name1 IT1 23 45.00
The value of Price and MaintCost will defined based on the code field, which is in TAB2.
How it is possible in Web Intelligence 4.1? I am hoping it is something simple to model for a technical administrator.
Please let me know.
Best Regards,