Hello Everyone,
There is point were i am not able to get the desired result for my user authorization, need your advise on it.
Here is the scenario i want for my users.
In launch pad i have a folder by name HR DASHBOARDS. I have a user let it be X, what i want is once this user logs into launch pad, it should see only HR DASHBOARDS folder there once he clicks on the folder tab.
The steps i've followed are
1) Log in to CMC using Enterprise Administrator.
2) go to Folders >> Click on the "All Folders" >> Click on Manage >> Top-Level Security >> All Folders.
3) add "BO Users" in the security list of "All Folders".Then grant right "View Objects" only to object and uncheck the box
subobject for this right.
4) Now come BO Reports folder >> Right Click on this folder >> Click on User Security >> Add BO User group to this folder's
security list.
5) Grant right "View Objects" to this group over the BO Reports folder for object and subobject. Keep the boxex for object,sub
object selected.
As i am applying the above steps ...the user X once logged into launch pad is able to see all the Public folders not only HR DASHBOARDS :/
Please Advise.