Please refer to the image attached.
Hi Experts,
I'm creating a cross tab report and am completely lost on how to achieve the following :
1) Repeating the MTH of Year on each columns(unlike the table in the attachment) like :
Oct2013 OCT2013 Nov2013 Nov2013 Dec2013 Dec2013
GrossSales Quantity Gross sales Quantity Gross sales Quantity
I really thought this would be a simple formatting option (or may be it is) I can't seem to figure out a way to accomplish this. Although,I'm able to merge the two cells together so each MTH value represents two columns but i want individual values for each column repeated like the example above.
2) Arranging the measures one after the other like :
Oct2013 Nov2013 Dec2013 Oct2013 Nov2013 Dec2013
GrossSales GrossSales GrossSales Quantity Quantity Quantity
So, I'm trying to display GrossSales for all the months first and then Quantity for all the months.
Please let me know if more details are required on this .
GD Bhatt