Dear All, I have problem with my report and hope you can help me.
I calculate financial ratios in my table. For example, ROA (returnig on assets) = Net Income / Average Assets
I have dimensions Year, Month, and Company name. This ratio should be calculated for every month of each year and for every company.
I wrote formula as =RunningAverage([Assets];([Year])))
this formula works quite well when input control for months are all selected. When I choose only two months from input control for instance, Assets average is calculated from these selected two months. This is not right and in this case I used another formula
selecting any month from input control is OK now, average is calculated for 12 months. But here I met another problem. Neither input control for Company is working. (of course, because of no filter command).
Here is my question: Is there any way to put nofilter option only for months? How can I calculate running average or running sum and use nofilter command ONLY for one input control.
Best Regards