I have created report Report_A and it contains a field called "Contract Number".
And I created a another report named Report_B which contains details of contracts.
And it has single value prompt for contract ID.("Enter Contract ID") which is linking field for these reports.
In Report_A an hyperlink is created for the the fleld "Contract Number". and it is linked to Report_B.
Following is url for
http://<server name:port>/OpenDocument/opendoc/openDocument.jsp?iDocID=3477&sType=wid&sRefresh=Y&sWindow=Same&IsS"+ URLEncode("Enter Contract ID")+"==([Contract Number])
While clicking hyperlinked field it runs report and with prompt. and clicked value not passed into prompt.
I don't want prompt and pass parameter directly into linked report's filter.
I am not sure where it is lagging.
Version information.
Business objects 3.1 IX
Web Intelligence
If you need any more pls update.
Kindly help.