Hi Experts ,
I have to create a bar chart in WEBI in which i need to show age buckets (0-2 ,3-5,6-10,11-20,31-45,46-60,60+) on X Axis (Dimension Age) and count of requests on Y Axis(count of requests created that is a measure).
X axis(Age bucket) i am populating based on a variable that is computed based on Age dimension(lets say "Age bucket") .
Now i apply a custom short on Age bucket and drag my measure on Y Axis.
Now issue is i want my X Axis to be populated fully (ie all the age buckets should be present in X axis even if count of request is 0).
But as Age_busket is calculated on run time , i get only those values for which there is some count (say 0-2 , 6-10 ,60+) rest all (6-10,11-20,31-45,46-60)does not come on X axis if count is 0 for them
Any work around by which i can populate whole X Axis (0-2 ,3-5,6-10,11-20,31-45,46-60,60+)...even if count is 0 for any age bucket .
refer attachment for your reference.
Thanks in advance!