I apologise in advance. I know this topic has been covered many times in previous forums but I have been through each and I am still encountering an issue.
My requirement is to convert x number of seconds into a HH:MM:SS time format for both positive and negative numbers in WEBI.
I found a formula on a forum here that suggest using the following code:
=FormatNumber(Floor([Column_Name]/3600) ;"0") + ":" + FormatNumber(Floor(Mod([Column_Name];3600)/60);"00") + ":" + FormatNumber(Mod(Mod([Column_Name] ;3600) ;60) ;"00")
I have used this code and when I give the code an input of -720 seconds it outputs in the format -1:-12:00.
It is quite frustrating I cannot get this to the correct format, can anyone suggest what is wrong with this formula?
I am using WEBI for creating the formula on BO 3.1.
Kind Regards,,