I have a Requirement to display 6 decimals for a Number in Webi with a prefix $.
For example:
Formula used : =FormatNumber([Current Std Cost];"'$'#,##0.000000")
Sample Data:
Result in Webi : $82.000000 but Expected value : $82.550000
Result in Webi : $270.000000 but Expected value is : 270.700000
Result in webi : $48.000000 but Expected value is : 48.360000
Also tried with the formual : FormatNumber([Current Std Cost];"'$'#,##.######")
Now, the data in webi appears like :
$82 but Expected value : $82.550000
$270 but Expected value is : 270.700000
$48 but Expected value is : 48.360000
Note :
1)Current Std Cost Object is a Dimesion with Number Data type
2)Could not find "FORMAT NUMBER" Option in the COntext Menu in order to apply a CUSTOM FORMAT.
Please see Context Menu in in the attachment.
Please advise, how could i achieve this. Appreciated for your response since it is a little Urgent.